Many people struggle with chronic leg ulcers, which can be frustrating and painful. These open sores often develop due to poor circulation, particularly in the veins. Today, we want to share a success story that highlights how minimally invasive treatments can offer significant improvement.

Venous ulcer & stasis dermatitis - before treatment

This patient had persistent venous ulcers and irritated skin (stasis dermatitis) of the right leg despite using compression and wound care. Dr Nightingale used minimally invasive techniques to close off problem veins (venous ablation), along with foam sclerotherapy, to address the issue. With continued compression and wound care, we’re thrilled to share that this patient experienced great results! The ulcers healed significantly, and the irritated skin condition improved. This means less pain, discomfort, and a much better quality of life.

Venous ulcer & stasis dermatitis - after treatment

Do you suffer from venous ulcers or irritated skin on your legs? You’re not alone! There are effective treatment options available, and we encourage you to seek medical advice. Early diagnosis and treatment can make a big difference. Contact us today by calling (844) 800-2919 to schedule a consult. We have locations in Ellsworth, Maine and Essex Jct, Vermont.